opportunity is hidden in challenge
This really is an amazing time to be alive. I mean it. Hang on in there with me… I’m not entirely mad.
Yes, what we have known is changing, big time, and fast but here’s something to consider: it’s changing in a huge, balanced way of both yin and yang. We’re just largely unable to see a big enough picture that has us see what’s on the other side of all this.
This terrifying thing called “the great reset” and everything that comes with it - has a parallel that’s calling us all to our best, our most alive. This is news that a lot of people will miss or be too caught up in fear to embrace, but those who do get it, will discover themselves in new ways. Here’s one aspect that I glimpse, what I stand for and aspire to, at the very least:
Just as it seems civil liberties are being removed and restricted fast, the opposite is happening too. The most liberating shift in history, ever, perhaps, or certainly for what appears to be a very long time.
We are entering the age of knowing ourselves to be creators. Victim consciousness is coming to an end.
First, to begin to get the message, you have to get a sense of the nature of your programmed mind. I’m talking about that part of your consciousness that is 100% concerned with keeping you (your body) alive and acting in accordance with what you already believe is real. This is the automatic part that defends what it knows, will do what it needs to survive, or, fight to the death to defend what it thinks is right.
This is the part of each one of us that clings on to interpretations it made of long past events, buys into the stories we’ve been told and wants desperately to fit in and belong. Not a lot of effort or creative intelligence is needed for this part of us to do its thing. It’s a default mechanism we get given along with a physical body.
The programmed mind is more attuned to attend to fear than it is the good news. When birds are singing and brooks are babbling, there’s nothing to stir the mind and the body can then relax. The moment a predator comes into sensing range, it’s all systems spring to alert! If pleasure and ease is present, there’s no need to worry. Don’t need to even turn on the set, read the news or buy anything. The moment pain, disease or any kind of threat to survival shows up, bam! Action! What do I need to know, what do I need to get? What action do I need to run to do, tune into, or thing buy?
The world looks totally skewed the way it does because we tune in unequally to what is “bad”, barely registering what is simultaneously present and “good”. (Hans Rosling did wonderful research and teaching on all this.)
Anyway, back to my main point here: we are coming to the end of an age. It’s the end of an age that gives us victim consciousness, a whole story of cause and effect that appears to be real to the programmed mind, but in actuality, isn’t true at all.
You have probably heard of “The Dark Ages” - a period of medieval history. Well, all that was defined by scholars anyway (made up interpretations again), and in time that came to an end. If you do a touch of research, you’ll discover fast that these were times when actually, things were not all dark, by any means. Example: agriculture developed during this time. I’m not going to digress too much here, just to say that evolution of consciousness does appear to happen, it’s happening now and there’s new awareness of the nature of reality that is coming available to us fast. Light and dark happen simultaneously, all the time. Did then, is now.
The “Materialist” world view has dominated science for the last few hundred years. It’s done its job, enabled amazing technological achievement, and now its run its course. Quantum physics is a whole other system, and the two systems don’t match. Quantum physics deals with possibilities, things that are not manifest. It’s shown us that the person doing an experiment has influence on the outcome… hard core science carried out in controlled conditions and consciousness still plays a part! That’s established now. Known to be real.
Epigenetics shows us that the fate of our bodies is not controlled by the genes in our cells. It’s the environment which the cells are in that determines if the gene switches are turned on. Once again, science shows that consciousness is in charge. Intelligence and information is in the field all around us (and we use hand held devices all the time that prove it)... all kinds of mind boggling things are happening now that we couldn’t even dream of not so long ago.
So were is this going? The full on realization that consciousness is primary to existence. If you can begin to get this, you can begin to get that what you attune to, is your reality, and that, my friend, is something in which we absolutely do have a say.
The story of your life is a story, and you can completely dissolve that story and reveal to yourself a whole other world, successively from stuck to more open, to possibility, to greater possibility, and the most awe inspiring limitless opportunity. You do not have to stay trapped by the weight of mass consciousness and the stories that keep you in fear. What is happening in the world today has happened before and reality is not all what it currently seems.
Many will write me off immediately as a loonie. But some will say: “Really? Tell me more.” I’m thrilled and inspired to share what changed my life so profoundly. I’m here and dedicated in service to the current and future leaders in their fields who would love my committed help to take them through this shift.
Stay tuned - but I don’t mean to the TV news. More coming from me and The Spiritual Growth School soon.
By whatever name you want to call it, I promise you: you really are an incredible, one of a kind, expression of god.
I am here to guide you to know, embody and fully live exactly that.