Who I Am and Why I Am Writing?
I’d rather not be so predictable, but first things first in blog number 1: who I am and why I am writing?
Short answer is - because I want to let you and all the world know I am here to help you be less burdened, more free to be who you really are and to live the life you would love, joyously making the full contribution you would love to make.
The longer answer to the question follows :
I am a vital, alive woman in the second half of my 60s, ageless in my attitude and being. I’ve seen and done so much stuff of life that’s taught me. I now carry real wisdom of experience. I’ve been through layer upon layer of my own stuff and relate to human struggle deeply. I’ve studied for decades with extraordinary teachers - I have a rare and advanced education.
With full devotion, have practiced my art of empowering people for decades. My skills are strong. (My first book tells many more specifics about how I got here.)
My life is centered around and all about my work. I help people live their most empowered authentic lives and have their dreams come true.
I am an intuitive - not a fortune teller, but a seer. I catch on fast.
I see people.
I see their unique being, their one of a kind make up that makes them who they are.
I see the illusions that hold them back and I know how to melt those illusions away.
I get to the underpinnings of the problem quickly and from there, I connect people with their deepest desires.
In just one conversation with me, most people see something valuable to them, something new, something that helps, makes a difference.
I reveal to people the essence of their life purpose and enable them to create their mission in life to express it. That’s the fastest and best way to create a life of meaning and a life you love.
I have the tools, the wherewithal, the insight, commitment and what it takes to enable people to dissolve whatever is in their way. With clarity of direction, awakened inner guidance and removal of obstacles, the people I work with over time grow exponentially towards fulfilling the dream that is in their heart - even if at the beginning they don’t know what that is.
I do this because it’s what I was born for, what my life has prepared me for, trained me in and now had me become expert. It is my greatest joy to see people succeed and I will do all I can to help.
I love working with people - especially women - who have daring, bold, audacious visions, especially the kind that they can’t talk with their friends or family about because they’d think them nuts. I don’t mind what arena that vision is in, because when it comes from your deepest heart, there’s always a contribution wanting to be made.
I’ll also work with people who are in a big scrape, like a divorce or a costly breakup of a business kind. Life crisis so often turns out to be the turning point of getting life on track. By the time we are done, my clients often end up being glad the mess all happened in the first place because of where they got delivered to in the end.
What lead me to become who I am? A life time of plowing through my own stuff, so filled with shame, confusion, illusion and pain that my tanks were absolutely filled to the brim with jet fuel that propelled me to find freedom and answers. I’m still going further and further down the rabbit hole of research and education about how we can live well and create amazing lives. I’ll be learning until the day I die.
You are probably someone who has a lot figured out already and you're not complaining about what you have now, and yet, you know there’s more to go, there’s another depth that calls you.
Stay with me, I can help you with that. Reach out any time. And, if you allow me to, I’ll be in touch.