These Times Are Calling Us

These times are calling for us all to examine how we are living and what we are doing with our lives. That call is getting louder. There’s not a system that concerns us, anywhere in the world, that isn’t under threat or changing fast.

With the very health and survival of planet earth brought into question, what does an individual do? How does one respond? Activism? Hunkering down? Go back to the land? Be stressed and get by? Wall off, disengage, deny? If activism, what do I do? Demonstrate? Lobby? Volunteer? Where do I even begin?

The questions go on…

This is a question that I have quested to answer for most of my life: How can I best help change the world for the better? What can I do as one individual with a conscience? What’s the best way for me to make a difference?

In one line of work I sought to end hunger: and then became hungry myself. In another I gave my all to help people live every moment like their lives depended on it: and then became exhausted, unwell, betrayed. Then I conceived a vision of changing the face of the corporate world: and discovered the problem is deeply systemic. Cleaning up a beach: the poison keeps coming. So frustrating. On and on I went… where is the answer? What is the right way to be a responsible citizen of the planet? What do I do that actually does make a difference?

I studied. I searched. I kept looking.

There’s only answer that makes any sense.

Here it is:

Look within. Do the thing that is in your heart: the thing that calls you from your depth. The thing that is buried beneath the shoulds, ought tos, have tos and musts. The thing you think looks impossible, the thing that calls you but you think you’d fail at or just could not pull off. That thing that brings you most alive. Give yourself fully to that. Whatever it is. A life spend engaged with anything less contributes to the problem.

It may seem self centered to do it - but it really is the best thing you can do, for you, for the whole.

It doesn’t often lead to fame or fortune (although it might). On the path of engaging with what you love the most, countless moments of success appear all along the way. It’s not a simple case of succeed or fail. Success comes moment by moment because you are doing the thing you love the most. The thing you are made for. The thing you are on this very planet, in this life to express.

There is only one of you. There is no other with your view, your skills, your abilities, your orientation to life. There never was, there never will be another. You really are a unique expression of the entire universe. The intelligence packed within you is beyond mind boggling. You are not where you are by chance. You have an inherent design to your being and when you align yourself with that design and start being it, all of you comes alive. You are simply destined to be great at it. Whatever that is.

The vast majority of us have no idea what that unique design is. We’ve been taught to go to work where we fit, not to look inside and be the one we are here to be.

When you are engaged with what you are great at, there’s a way that life will work. We have to listen. Notice. Bring a new set of attention-paying skills on line. The pictures in our mind might not turn out exactly, but the essence of what matters will be there. The reward is something better than our pictures. Always something to be grateful for.

The choice to follow our unique calling is one that takes courage and a certain amount of breaking free of the herd. What do you choose to pursue? The voice of your soul - or the survival programming of your mind?

Seems a simple kind of choice really: continue to get by with what you’ve got already and watch it all play out, or, reach for something that makes deep sense to you personally - and play a game where you step into who you really are, the creative expression you are made for.

Depression, addictions, ill health, all the stuff that’s running rampant in our world today is symptomatic of what happens when we don’t live true to ourselves. That’s all a healthy feedback mechanism trying to get our attention. When we don’t get the message and heed the call, symptoms get worse. It’s a benevolent inbuilt system that wants us to be who we really are: it’s doing its best to guide us back to health. We become healthy when we are true to who we are. That’s when we begin to radiate light and become stars of our own show.

What if life is a hologram and as you create health, vitality and meaning, the world around you reflects that back? This is your superpower. This is humanity’s only real hope. Time for us to step up to become our true selves… or deal with the inevitable coming our way.

The choice is right here, right now. Servant of your spirit, your higher mind, your true self, - or - ally of the survival mind that has you blinded with the herd? You are meant to be a creator. We are not victims. Unless, of course, victimhood is what we create.

This is what I am called to be and what I dedicate my life to: for those who are called to hear and follow that which calls to them (spirit, soul, voice of the heart, purpose, call it as you will) - I am here to help you step into the life of your dreams and become the being you are meant to be.

I am an enabler of your spirit. If you are called, you will hear me.

If that is you, please contact me now.

Let’s find the right way to be allies.

To be continued…


My personal story (~5,500 words)


opportunity is hidden in challenge